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Newfoundland Club and Rescue

Next membership meeting (Visitors and dogs are welcome at this meeting)

Saturday, 15 March, 11am
Owatonna Izaak Walton League
1546 SW 58th St, Owatonna, MN
Draft seminar and practice with carts and harness.

Membership Rescue Help Archive

Contact us:

Current member and rescue activities (Facebook)

Fun with puppies at a Fall membership meeting.

The Club welcomes individuals interested in Newfoundlands--whether they have a Newf or are just trying to learn about the breed. The Club hosts social activities such as educational meetings, picnics, and participation in organized activities such as parades. There are currently about 64 members.

good dog Logo NCA Logo

The Northstar Newfoundland Club
is a regional club of the
Newfoundland Club of America
covering Minnesota and
northwest counties of Wisconsin.


Interested in becoming a member or have questions about club membership?
We're happy to hear from you!

Please come to club activities/meetings as a visitor. (Dogs are typically included.)

Membership is annual from March 15th. Family membership (2 persons) is $25. Single membership $20. Joining after September 15th is half price.

Begin the membership process with a mail-in application or email our membership contact
Ted Mittelstadt, for information.


Current rescue activities (Facebook)


It is the belief of the Northstar Newfoundland Club (NNC) and the Newfoundland Club of America that Newfoundland dogs should not be acquired casually or disposed of lightly. However it is recognized that sometimes an owner's circumstances change and the Newf is found to be unsuited to his or her present home.

NNC Rescue is dedicated to preserving the lives, health and welfare of Newfoundlands and whenever possible, placing them in good homes. NNC Rescue works in cooperation with rescue committees of the Newfoundland Club of America, and other regional Newfoundland clubs and rescue organizations.

If you know of a Newfoundland in need of help,
or would like information about surrendering a Newf
, contact


Any pure bred Newfoundland that is legally turned over to us, is immediately taken to an experienced foster home for evaluation which generally includes a visit soon afterwards to one of our participating veterinarians for a complete health check.

The Newfoundland is then placed into a foster home for an undetermined length of time (depending on the dog's condition) for a complete evaluation of its retraining and rehabilitation needs. The Newf will be kept in foster care as long as necessary to prepare it for entry into its new, permanent home.

In addition to vet services and foster homes, transition help is often needed with rescue, evaluation, transportation, training, grooming, home visits and record keeping.

If you would like to help with the rescue process
or would like more information about the process
, contact


The Newfoundland is a giant breed whose weight is in the vicinity of 110-150 lbs. It is considered to be a high maintenance dog which requires grooming every day. A high quality dog food must be provided and veterinary bills can be quite expensive considering the size of the Newf and the dosage of the medication required.

A Newfoundland's temperament is gentle and laid back. They bond quickly with their new owners and adore children. All Newfs are adopted out as pets only and must live inside the home with the adoptee. Prospective homes are matched to the needs of the dog. No Newf is ever adopted for guard or security dog purposes.

When the Newfoundland is placed with its new family, a member of our committee will be in contact with the new family to encourage and help with any adjustments. An adoption fee for adults and puppies is requested to help defray the expenses incurred for the care of rescued Newfs.

If you would like more information about adoption,


American Kennel Club: Newfoundland (General breed information)

Go Groomer: Grooming a Newfoundland (Detailed professional grooming demonstration and discussion)

Newfoundland Club of America: Living with your Newfoundland

My Brown Newfies
(Living with and caring for your newfie)


Club Officers
President Missy Manke
Vice-President Ted Mittelstadt
Secretary Sarah Lyons
Treasurer Mary Shumaker
Board of Directors
Terry Brunson Todd Lund
Open Open
NNC Bylaws
NNC Constitution
Membership Application


Health & Education: Open

Membership: Ted Mittelstadt,

Missy Manke, Tammy Corrow,
Janey Shaddrick, Jo-Anne Tait,
Lori Mo, Jeff Ohmann

NCA Liaison: Chris Plum

Newsletter Editor: Open

Parades & Carting:
Ted Mittelstadt

Show Committee:
Richard & Sandy Donnay,
Susie Manke

Trophies & Awards: Open

Working Dog: Open

Web Site: Charles Turner

Facebook: Missy Manke


Club Objectives:

• To preserve and protect Newfoundland Dogs.

• To endorse the standard of the breed as approved by the Newfoundland Club of America and accepted by the American Kennel Club as the only standard of excellence by which Newfoundland Dogs shall be judged.

• To bring together, in friendly counsel and association, fanciers of the Newfoundland breed.

• To encourage responsible Newfoundland and general dog ownership through education, mentoring, and example.

• To encourage good sportsmanship at dog shows, obedience trials, working trials and all other competitive and non-competive events featuring Newfoundland Dogs.

• To conduct sanctioned and licensed specialty shows, obedience trials, and working trials under the rules of the Newfoundland Club of America and the American Kennel Club.

• To sponsor events where Newfoundland Dog owners and lovers can meet, socialize, share knowledge and experience about the breed with each other, and educate the public about the breed.

History of The Club

The Northstar Newfoundland Club was organized in April 1987 and constitutionally chartered in August 1989.

The Newfoundland Club of America officially recognized the Northstar Newfoundland Club as a Regional Club in April 1993.

Northstar welcomes individuals interested in Newfoundlands whether they have a Newf or are just trying to learn about the breed. The club hosts social activities such as educational meetings, picnics, and participation in organized activities such as parades.

Active in the working dog events, the Club sponsored their first draft workshop at Sechler Park in Northfield, MN in October, 1993 and held its first draft test in 1994. The Club held its first Water Workshop in August, 1996 at Lake Kohlmeier, Owatonna, MN and its first water test was held at Ham Lake in 2003. The Club continues to host periodic workshops and/or tests in both Draft and Water Rescue.

Since 1994, the St Cloud Civic Center in St Cloud, MN has been the location of the Northstar NCA Regional Specialty Shows, where conformation and obedience Newfoundlands have their chance to shine. Team obedience in costume has been a highlight at these shows. Northstar's specialty shows have used a theme displayed in custom designed artwork by charter member Sandy Donnay.

The club logo was adopted from a rendering done by Rick Lundstom in February, 1990. It displays a black and silver intermix on a field of Northstar Green.

Look for the Northstar Newfoundland Club's mascot "Oolam", a rustic plaster cast Newfoundland Dog. Oolam was named by contest at our first specialty.

There are club members who are knowledgable and have participated in a variety of other activities with their Newfoundlands including: Agility, Rally, Therapy Dog Work, Tracking and Canine Good Citizen. Other club members are active with their Newfoundlands as family members and companions at the club's social events such as walking in parades and bell ringing for charity.



2013 Q1
2012 Q4
2012 Q1
2011 Q3
2011 Q3 supp
2010 Q3
2010 Q2
2010 Q1
2009 Q1
2009 Q4
2009 Q2
2008 Q3
2008 Q2
2007 Q4
2007 Q3
2007 Q2
2007 Q1
2006 Q4
2006 Q3
2006 Q2
2006 Q1
2005 Q4
2005 Q3
2005 Q2
2005 Q1